Mark Ryden is one of the most celebrated artists of the Pop Surrealism movement. His works recall a parallel universe of 1950s Golden Books and the whimsy of Lewis Carroll. His cheerful bunnies, rendered in the glowing hues of children's books, are more likely to be carving slabs of meat rather than frolicking in the forest.
Ryden’s known for his superb technique with freakish imagery to create a world of strange and disturbing beauty. At once captivating and unsettling, baffling and enchanting, Ryden's works are a subtle combination of many sources and influences as wide-ranging as Psychedelic and Vienna School artists, Neon Park and Ernst Fuchs, to French neoclassical Ingres and David.
How many artists can make grotesque creatures and haunting childlike characters look so innocent???
"Well, I have to admit I don't really paint my paintings; a Magic Monkey does. He comes to my studio late at night, when it's very quiet. Mysterious things happen late at night when most people are asleep. I help the magic monkey, but he does most of the work. My job is to get him to show up”
Mark Ryden
Ryden’s known for his superb technique with freakish imagery to create a world of strange and disturbing beauty. At once captivating and unsettling, baffling and enchanting, Ryden's works are a subtle combination of many sources and influences as wide-ranging as Psychedelic and Vienna School artists, Neon Park and Ernst Fuchs, to French neoclassical Ingres and David.
How many artists can make grotesque creatures and haunting childlike characters look so innocent???
"Well, I have to admit I don't really paint my paintings; a Magic Monkey does. He comes to my studio late at night, when it's very quiet. Mysterious things happen late at night when most people are asleep. I help the magic monkey, but he does most of the work. My job is to get him to show up”
Mark Ryden
Mr. Ryden